Sunday, December 20, 2009

2009 Christmas Tree...Emme's First

Emme will have her first Christmas this year!

Today we setup our Christmas Tree.  Due to weather conditions the past two weekends we decided that an artificial tree would be our option if we wanted to have a tree this year.  It isn't my preferred type of tree...but it works.  This one is quite nice, it used to be the one I put in my office, but due to re-arranging the office over the summer, I didn't have room to put it this year.  I should have thought about that while I was setting up the office, but oh well!

Andy helped us decorate the tree.  This one isn't big enough for all of our ornaments, so we selected those that were most special to us this year.  Included are Andy and Emme's "My First Christmas" ornaments, our "We're Expecting" ornaments given while we were expecting Andy, a selection of hand crocheted ornaments from Grandma Jarrell's, paper garland and ornaments made by Andy this year with the help of Meme and Nana Spiers, as well as a few hand made ornaments that were made by Brandy and I when we were just a family of two.

In typical two year old fashion, many ornaments got placed in a cluster...we had to help him spread them around....  

Overall I think we ended up with a lovely tree!  Don't you?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Blue Light Special

After her 6th day on Earth, Brandy and I noticed that Emme was quite jaundiced so we called her pediatrician who instructed us to take her to the hospital to have her Bilirubin counts tested.  We took her in and results came back with a count of 17.  Normal is under 10, and a High count starts at 14.  They hospitalize at the pediatrician's office ordered a Bili Light to be delivered immediately to our house for Emme to stay under.  She was under it for three days and we went back in to test and her levels were down to 12, one more day and it was 10 and she was able to come off the light.  Yay!  We are so glad to have our little blue light special to be healthy again.  She is much more lively now.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Let it Snow!

It Snowed in Carriere on December 3 2009.  It was a sight to see.  All day everyone at work had been saying that it was supposed to snow that day, I looked on the Weather Channel and saw that if it was going to snow that it should start around 8 PM.  Around Noon, I got a text from my Sis in Houston saying that it was snowing at 8 PM I went outside and low and behold it was still raining.  Oh well.  No snow. The radar on Weather channel was then showing that everything looked like it would totally miss us and snow just to our north, but not here.  Then around 9 PM when we were about to put Andy to bed I noticed larger softer rain falling outside.

Brandy went outside to check and sure enough it was snowing.  So bedtime got delayed to have some fun in the snow.  Andy, Momma, and Mimi went out and played for about an hour.  Daddy stayed inside and watched the littlest member of our family since she couldn't go out to play.

 Not a whole lot of snow, but here are a few pictures.

Our McCoy Tribe header for the blog was also made by Brandy and Andy out of our SnowMen that morning.  Enjoy!