Saturday, October 24, 2009

Egg-Saws-Ted (aka. Exhausted!)

Today was the Annual Lee Family Reunion....which is held each year at our Caesar property (The Center of the Lee Family Land). This Reunion is Brandy's Grandma Betty's Brothers and Sisters and all of their families. A good time was had by all....but I and the rest of the McCoy Tribe are slap worn out. I now know how Mom and Dad McCoy feel after throwing their big get togethers that we used to have. Today, we started at 7 AM with a super fast Breakfast of time to cook....then headed to Caesar to start getting ready. After a trip all over town to locate propane for the grill (which we ended up not even needing after all that!), I finally made it to the property around 10 AM!!!!! So that meant flight of the bumblebee to the extreme. By the time I got there, Brandy had already gotten all of the lawn equipment relocated from under the shed, which was a HUGE help. So that meant getting the tables and chairs out of storage, setting them up and then starting to cook all within an hour! It actually happened!!!

Grandma Betty, the coordinator of the reunion decided that we would make this year's reunion easier on everyone by just doing Grilled meats, and everyone would bring a side we grilled Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chicken, and a Brisket.
There is always too much food at our reunions and it is all soooooo good. I stuffed myself as usual! It was good seeing everyone again!

Andy had a great time playing with his cousins (Blake was Andy's best friend by the end of the day).

Aunt Melanie brought us a gift for M.E., a box stuffed with about 10 pair of cute girlie baby shoes! They are precious! Thanks so much Melanie!

The thing I love most about this family reunion is how everyone sits around and talks. Listening to Brandy's family tell some of their stories is better than going to Improv! Between Kenny and Denson, they had the whole group laughing to no end! A good time was had by all, and once we finished the clean up, Brandy, Andy, Mimi, and I came home to Veg for a few hours before calling it a day. Night Everyone!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary Jules and Matt

Can't believe I missed my Sister and Brother In Law's Anniversary! It has been one heck of a week...preparing for this weekend's Family Reunion...I totally forgot! Ack! Love you guys! Happy 9th! Here's to many many more!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You've Fell Victim to one of the classic blunders....

one of which is "Never get into a land war in Asia"....the other...don't try to go tit for tat on how to have a bad week or two!

We went to see my Sis over the Columbus Day Weekend....that weekend, someone who was SUPPOSED to be her Best friend in Houston stabbed her in the back by quitting her job with a 2 day notice the week before she was supposed to cover for another therapist that was going to be out for the week (I don't much care for people like that...the whole "You don't want to meet me in a dark alley" comes to mind. F' with my Sister and I am gunnin for you!). So we get back to work on Tuesday, and one of my workers falls off a ladder and gets a compression fracture in his spine (out for at least 6 weeks) I thought I had WON the Bad week contest...but my week got worse...a crashed server...oh yeah...I had this one in the bag! But little did I know that my Big Sis's week was going down the tubes too! The continued fallout at her work place was (hopefully) finished off with a Triple Ticket from Houston's Finest! Okay Okay Sis...I get the point! You win!

Never go in against a McCoy when bad luck is on the line! (If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all! --My theme song from HeeHaw)

I love you Jules! I do hope things start going a little better for you soon!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brave Aunt Ginny!

My Sister is SO Brave and I will tell you why. When we were thinking about coming to Houston, Jules asked me if I thought Andy would like making cookies. Here I am thinking Prefab Rolls of cookies thrown in the oven...sure he would love that! We get to Houston and after the Pumpkin trip on Saturday, Julie makes some sugar cookie dough (From Scratch). Her intention is to roll and use cookie cutters to create shapes, and then decorate these cookies with a 2 year old! Wow! This should be interesting I think to myself...but once again, my little man amazed me with his interest, and devotion to the task at hand (Cooking with Aunt JuJu). He dons an apron and off they go.

Aunt Ginny had a step ladder to bring him to cabinet height and explains the process to him.

Then they select the cutters they will be using...of course all that Aunt JuJu had MUST be used.

Rolling the Dough (They made a mess!)

The Cookies going in the oven!

The patience it took to wait until the cookies cooked finally paid off! A finished project....can you pick out the ones Andy Decorated?
Someone was VERY happy to make cookies with his Aunt JuJu!!!

Lunch with Spot!

After getting back from the Pumpkin Patch little man was crashed in the back seat. So, Aunt Ginny volunteered to watch him while Brandy and I went to have lunch with my long time friend Spot! We had lunch at a wonderful place called BJ's! It was delicious! Always good to spend a little quality time with old friends!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A weekend trip to Aunt Ginny's

The McCoy Tribe had a long weekend from work, so we decided to take one last trip before M.E. is born to visit Aunt Ginny and Uncle Matt in Houston! We drove in on Friday night and then woke up Saturday morning to go to the Pumpkin Farm! Andy had a blast!

We searched for pumpkins

This one was too Heavy!

Then we went to play on the Giant Inflatable Slide! (3 slides for a ticket...2 year old's can't count!)

We finally found the perfect Pumpkin for our little man and brought it home! Thanks Aunt Ginny for taking us to the Pumpkin Farm! It was FUN!