Friday, July 17, 2009

Terrible Twos!

In the past week, our little man has been up to a little mischief! Check it out!

Lessons Learned: 1) Wash your hands when you finish in the bathroom. 2) If you can't reach the sink, use an assistive device!

You can never have enough powder.

300 Q-Tip Pickup!


GinnyDreamin' said...


Love my little man even IF he is FULL of some mischief!!!!!

Hugs to all of you from Houston!!!

Gee----> now I have to get busy and update my poor little blog!! It has been seriously neglected!!!

GinnyDreamin' said...

Ok--now that I have updated my blog I can return to harassing you about updating yours!! *teehee*

I want to see this mystery BIRD!?!?