Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Emme Meets the World!

Today my second child was born.  Her name is Emme.  Which is long for M.E., which is short for Mary Elizabeth.  Mary is named for my Mom's Mom, Mary Hadden, and the Elizabeth is from Brandy's Mom's Mom's Mom, Elizabeth Christy.  Emme was born on Brandy's Birthday.  So Mom and Daughter will share a birthday.  Here are a few pictures until we get some more.


amber said...

beautiful, just like her mom! love ya'll

GinnyDreamin' said...

Brandy --> so happy you are on this side of the delivery! How is it that you still look great even AFTER getting a baby girl into the world?? You are amazing!

Emme is such a cutie!! Wish I were there to hold her!! TAKE MANY PICTURES!!!! :)

I love you all!!!! B--> get some rest!! Many HUGS from Houston!!